SexyHannah6 in Paignton, Devon

Profile Picture
PLEASE...please make sense if you are going to write to me! Look call me snobby if you want but Im looking for people who actually makes some sense when they write to me. Some Ive received just make no sense what so ever...& Im pretty good a deciphering. I fully acknowledge what of site this is but please dont call me bitchslutcunt or whore or any of the like... you dont know me.Ill give you a hint thatll help you out with not just me but I guarenttee almost all women here & on other sites & tell you that if you really want to entice a reply from me just saying I want to fuck you wont do it.
Personal Details

SexyHannah6 is white, 22 years old and lives in Devon.

She is single and is 5 foot 5 inches tall with blonde hair and brown eyes and an average figure.