bibarose1308 in Hull , East yorkshire

Profile Picture
Need to find a kind man who likes an independant woman that knows her own mind. Dont need to be taken care of, but would be lovely to find a man who wants to surprise me from time to time. Dont like tatoos or piercings, thugs or smokers. Must have own teeth and smell nice!!! Do like a man with manners and a sharp suit (though not essential). Must be able to hold an intelligent conversation. Not a man hater or a control freak, but have been known to get bored easily!! You have been warned......... Bit of an 80s chic, so remember dodgy hairdos and shoulder pads with fondness if a degree of trepidation! Have a penchant for retaining useless information, but rubbish at remembering names - great for trivia quizzes, not so good with the boss (whatever his name is!) Would actually like to meet someone rather than chat forever in cyberspace. Funny how so many men seem to want to get to know me first. Isnt that what having a coffee is for? Forgive me if Im misguided on that score. Not sure what will come of it, if anything, but am prepared to dip a toe in the water and just see what takes the bait......
Personal Details

bibarose1308 is white, 42 years old and lives in East yorkshire.

She is seperated and is 5 foot 1 inches tall with brunette hair and grey eyes and an average figure.